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Matthew Hicks, Concord City Council At Large Candidate

Party Affiliation



Allyson Hicks (Spouse), Phoebe and Eve (daughters)

Does anyone in your family work in politics or government?

No one in my family works for the City of Concord


CHS Class of 1992; Hamilton College (BA Public Policy); UNH (MAT concentration in history); Harvard University (MEd in school leadership); UNH (PhD in education leadership and policy)


Educator, teacher and administrator, 25 years

Previous or Current Elected or Appointed Office

State Representative, Merrimack 24/Concord Ward 10

Campaign website


Why are you seeking elective office?

I am running for City Council at Large to utilize my intimate knowledge of Concord and experience on municipal and state boards to ensure this remains the best small city. I had a wonderful childhood growing up in Concord. I returned after college to live, work, and raise a family. My wife works at the hospital, and our adult daughters are away at school. I hope they too return to raise their own families here, if they can afford it. Concord has many advantages, and we also have important and complex issues facing our community. I hope to be part of the solution through collaborative efforts with many voices across all neighborhoods.

The single most pressing issue facing our (board, district, etc.) is _______, and this is what I intend to do about it.

Affordability. The cost of living in Concord has made it difficult for many people to live here. From sky-high rent to ever-increasing property taxes, people cannot afford apartments, and many face moving out of the city due to high taxes. We need to broaden the tax base to be less reliant on residential property taxes, increase all types of available housing, and rein in unnecessary spending. This will require broadening the tax base and increasing the supply of housing.

What are the critical differences between you and the other candidates seeking this post?

I am a lifelong Concord resident. I grew up in this city, attending the public schools. I returned here to live and raise a family. I lived downtown, the South End, and returned to East Concord within the last decade. During that time, I have volunteered for many organizations to give back to the community. My experience on municipal boards and in the State House help me understand the complexities that face the city and how to work collaboratively with different stakeholders in a balanced way to find solutions.

If you are a challenger, in what way has the current board or officeholder failed the community (or district or constituency)

Nothing negative here — Byron Champlin did an excellent job representing Concord in the seat I am running to fill.

Describe the other issues that define your campaign platform.

Safety. Concord is a safe city, but recent events are cause for concern. We need to fully fund our emergency responders (police and fire), so they have the personnel and tools to effectively serve the city.

Environment. One of Concord’s advantages is its natural environment. We are unique in that one can see farmland from the State House. We need to protect this advantage, including the trail system, the Merrimack, our parks, and open space. Concord must also meet its renewal energy goals by 2030 to become energy independent and greener.

Inclusion. Our diversifying population is another advantage Concord has over other communities. We must work hard to ensure all residents have understanding of the government and opportunities to participate. City officials need to be more active and visible in the community.

What accomplishments in your past would you cite as evidence you can handle this job?

Participating in difficult decisions on the Planning Board, years of participation on the regional planning commission, and successfully representing Ward 10 in the state legislature.

The best advice ever shared with me was:

Truly listen to others to learn their stories and find commonalities. Most people have more in common than they have differences.

What else would you like voters to know about yourself and your positions?

I enjoy working collaboratively to find solutions to problems that impact people. The issues any city faces must be tackled together, without self-interest, in the best interest of the community. I want to continue to make Concord the best small city in the United States.

Source : Patch
