Home » Whistler Skating Club Presents Annual Starry Night Show Dec. 15
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Whistler Skating Club Presents Annual Starry Night Show Dec. 15

On Dec. 15, the Whistler Skating Club (WSC) is again putting on its annual Starry Night show. This year’s theme is “At the Movies,” with skaters of all ages (including an adult synchronized skating team) performing to iconic songs and soundtracks from the world of cinema.

Current WSC membership numbers about 150 people, including 28 adults. Winter registration is open now for adult synchro, adult learn-to-skate, child learn-to-skate and StarSkate programs. Skate Canada registration fees for CanSkate and adult programs are being covered by Concord Pacific, which has committed to a sustained, five-year funding program.

“Over the past few years, Whistler Skating Club has been expanding its adult programming and seeing strong growth and really positive feedback,” said club administrator Vivian Quach in an email. “Learning to skate is an iconic part of the Canadian experience! Join the adult learn to skate program and tick that box. Impress your friends and family back home!”

As for Starry Night, doors open on Friday at 5 p.m., with the program officially beginning at 5:30 p.m. in Meadow Park Sports Centre (MPSC). Tickets cost $10 per person or $30 for a family of four. Those wishing to reserve their spots in advance can contact info@whistlerskatingclub.ca to learn more.

Winter registration is open now, with Concord Pacific offering to cover

Source: Pique
